And 500 dollars later..

So my boy Brady broke his toe. 

I felt like an incredibly bad doggie mom, since we didn’t even know it was broken for an entire week.  When Brady came limping into the kitchen from outside with a big, swollen foot, we assumed that he had just sprained his ankle or something, and called into our vet for some meds for swelling and pain. 

One week later, the swelling had gone down, so we assumed that he was healing up nicely.  Especially since he was running around like a crazy man outside. Then last week, Jason took him in to the vet for yearly shots.  Two hours, one x-ray and 500 dollars later, he had a blue cast and a HUGE satellite-sized cone around his noggin.  The cone became mandatory only after he tore his first cast to pieces, and licked his foot so badly that it got infected — costing us another 30 dollar visit to the vet.

Poor guy.  He is totally hating life right now, because we were instructed that he can basically only walk when he goes outside to go to potty, or to eat, for AN ENTIRE MONTH. This is no easy task. I’m sure that he thinks that we hate him, judging from his pitiful moaning.   Why else would we make him lay down for a whole month while letting our other two pups run circles around him?

Anyway, I really hope his foot heals quickly, because he is pretty much over the cone on his head.  It has really messed up his sense of space, causing him to run into literally everything on the rare occasion that he is allowed to walk.  And I think that he hates the sound that his hard cast makes on the tile floor that covers most of our home, because he has taken to hopping around on three legs.

Is it me, or does seem like a pretty big cast for such a little toe?  Also, I think that 500 dollars for a vet visit should be a crime.